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Unexpected Downtime, New Horizons Ahead

We regret to inform you that due to a technical malfunction with our hosting provider, our website has unfortunately been lost. Rest assured, our team is diligently working to create a new and improved website. This process will take some time, but we are committed to coming back stronger.

Connect with Us

In the meantime, if you wish to get in touch for tour information or other queries, please contact Judith directly at +238-9371753 (Whatsapp or Telegram) or

Our Mission: Feel the Essence of Cabo Verde

Terra Terra Tours is not just a name; it’s an expression of the very soil we stand upon and the culture we celebrate. Our tours immerse you in the heartfelt experiences that can only be felt, not explained. Discover Cabo Verde and its heritage as we connect you emotionally and authentically with local life and communities.

Building Emotional and Cultural Bridges

We aim to foster lasting connections between tourists and locals. It’s not just about sightseeing; it’s about creating meaningful exchanges that benefit local communities and enrich the traveler’s experience. Together, we are paving the way for a more sustainable future in tourism for Cabo Verde.

Lasting Impressions: More Than Just a Tour

Experience the Cabo Verde lifestyle firsthand. Walk the streets of developing neighborhoods, participate in local daily rituals, and gain insights that will redefine your perspectives. Your journey with us is an opportunity to connect deeply with the welcoming and vibrant communities of Cabo Verde.

Social Impact and Community Outreach

See the good work being done by organizations like SOS Children’s Villages and become acquainted with undiscovered artists. Our tours don’t just make an impression; they forge connections that can last a lifetime. Join us in making tourism more meaningful and sustainable for everyone.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work on relaunching our website. We can’t wait to continue sharing unforgettable experiences with you soon.

Stay tuned for updates and please reach out to Judith for immediate inquiries via +238-9371753 (Whatsapp or Telegram) or Together, we are building better connections for a more sustainable future in tourism.